The Kollel came to Great Neck over 25 years ago with a singular, simple mission: the growth of Torah in Great Neck. Through the guidance of HaRav Eliezer Ben-David זצ"ל and under the leadership of Rabbi Daniel Shaliehsaboo, the successes realized have been astounding. The Kollel, and by extension the entire community, have grown to unimaginable heights.
Since we began many Rabbanim & Avrechim have come through our doors and helped us grow the Torah community at an unprecedented rate. Many of our alumni have gone on to open or become part of other existing institutions inside and outside of Great Neck elevating the growth exponentially.
Some current or previous Kollel members you may recognize are:
• Rabbi Asher Baalhaness זצ"ל (Torah Ohr of Roslyn) • Rabbi Isaac Bakhshi (Bet Knesset Ahavat Shalom) • Rabbi Shmuel Ismach (Young Israel of Great Neck) • Rabbi Menashe Kalatizadeh (Yeshivat Kol Yaakov, Darkhe Emet) • Rabbi Ben Kaniel (Saddle Rock Minyan, LIHA) • Rabbi Barak Levy (Cherry Lane Minyan) • Rabbi Yitzhak Malka • Rabbi Mordechai Shaliehsaboo (Long Island Sephardic Center) • Rabbi Shlomo Shoub (Congregation Shaare Yashar) • Rabbi Simcha Sperling
The Kollel offers our community many avenues of growth, among them:
• One-on-one learning • Classes for beginners and advanced learners • Chattan and Kallah classes • Family counseling • Taharat HaMishpacha • Chinuch • Heter Iska • Teen programs • & Many more
We are now embarking on the next step in our journey. Permits have been secured for an apartment complex aimed at bringing in even more Rabbanim so that our reach and the community's growth can continue its upward trajectory.
Please take this opportunity and grab yourself a share in this monumental step forward.
You may also donate directly on our website, via Venmo, or Zelle to info@greatneckkollel.org. You can also call our office at 516-487-6080 for other payment methods.